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One thing my SO noticed first and I could only agree: every comedy MUST have a puke scene. I guess like the sex, some big data guy noticed a slight increase in audience at sex and puking scenes (not together, luckily) so the producers mandate them now everywhere. I also feel the average movie has gotten way bloodier over time but last time I mentioned this it didn't go down well with this crowd.

Also, the puking is always fake as hell. A mouthful of some watery liquid spat out with horrible overacting. Nothing like the real life horror that's a proper five-fold stream of that foul greenish brown mess filled with what was supposed to be your lunch.

Family guy did some hilarious puking scenes back in the day by showing it as horrible as it really is. The Hollywood vomit-lite is just embarrassing at this point.

"average" is a very debatable metric. IMO, movies with practical effects are more shocking than the CGI that is common now.

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