Netcraft confirms it: I, for one, welcome our Hacker News overlord, CmdrTaco who sometimes dwelves in these part of the interweb. He's got a beowulf cluster of hot grits that Nathalie Portman would approve of. ;)
Sounds like it’s time for another lively thread about whether FireFly is the best sci-fi show ever. Things get awkward when Wil Wheaton joins the conversation and proceeds to know more about FireFly than anyone else.
or my other favourite character... the illusive Roland Piquepaille and his "articles" that pioneered blogspam based on the way ./ers would react to him.
Wow! I haven't heard that name in nearly 20 years, but the instant I saw it I had a negative reaction. I didn't even know why at first until I read the rest of your sentence.
I forget, is this the persona responsible for that "voices from the hellmouth" series? the one that, retrospectively, coincides with my /. usage starting to slope negative.
omg, voices from the hellmouth was sooo cringe. Who was that? typetypetype
oook, JonKatz, and it lives on
(tl;dr for my post here, there was a segment of the slashdot population who really identified with the Columbine shooters, the trench-coat mafia, i guess in terms of being picked on at school by the popular kids or something? it was sort of like "of course Columbine, what did you expect from those of us living at the hell-mouth you've created for us" If I have any of that wrong it's because I couldn't stand reading any of it in the first place)
"While trying to be First Post on a Beowulf cluster article, my site got Slashdotted just as I poured hot grits down my pants. 'You must be new here,' commented CowboyNeal, who, in Soviet Russia, welcomes our new overlords. Now I'm just waiting for step '???' before I hit Profit! Surely that's worth +5, Funny?"