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Show HN: A new programming language stronger than SQL, Java, and Python? (github.com/splware)
2 points by followSPL 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments
Since the computing system of SQL (database) is closed, and data can only be calculated after being loaded into database, and usually, database can only be deployed independently, it leads to a bloated and heavy framework; In addition, the computing ability of SQL is actually imperfect, and SQL is not suitable for handling some complex scenarios independently, and it has to adopt other technologies like Python, Java to make up for its shortcomings. However, these completely different technologies will increase the complexity of technology stack. Heavy and bloated framework and complex technology stack dramatically increases the O&M cost. By contrast, SPL is more open in computing ability, and able to calculate directly on various data sources, and supports independent or integrated use, and its framework is lighter. Moreover, SPL offers comprehensive functions, making it easy to implement complex computing, and making it possible to accomplish most tasks without other technologies, and its technology stack is simpler. Lightweight framework and simply technology stack make O&M cost lower.

SPL also has significant advantages over Java. Java is a full-featured programming language, and can handle any data computing task in theory. However, due to its too native nature and lack of necessary computation libraries, all computing tasks need to be developed from scratch, resulting in a difficulty to implement.

Especially for high-performance algorithms, it is more difficult to implement in Java. Even if programmers take a great effort to work it out, the performance is pretty poor. Therefore, not only is the development cost high, but the performance is too low. As a result, the hardware cost is increased.

In addition, Java has some shortcomings in practice. For example, it is difficult to achieve hot swap as a compiled language; tight coupling occurs since different applications/modules need be deployed together with main application. These shortcomings have a significant adverse impact on data analysis scenarios that frequently undergo changes. To avoid these shortcomings, programmers often use SQL together with Java in practice, for the reason that SQL is simpler and more convenient for many calculations. However, in doing so, not only does the SQL problem still exist, but it also brings new Java problem, resulting in complex technology stack, a difficulty to use, and high O&M costs.

In contrast, SPL does not have these problems, because it provides rich computing libraries, making it easy to implement calculation tasks, and offers many low-complexity algorithms to guarantee performance. In addition, as an interpreted language, SPL naturally supports hot swap, and coupling problem will never occur. Compared with SQL, SPL has a greater advantage over Java.

As for Python, some problems exist in processing structured data. Python (Pandas) itself provides rich computing libraries, and it is easy to code in Python for many simple calculations, making Python basically equivalent to SQL. However, for some slightly complicated calculations, it is difficult to code in Python, and the development cost is still high.

Moreover, Python has the problem of version chaos. Incompatibility between different versions will lead to high usage and O&M costs and, Python is very poor in integration, making it difficult to be combined in applications, and hence it often needs to deploy separate service, yet this will increase O&M costs. Like Java, Python is also frequently used together with SQL in practice, and likewise, the existing SQL problem still exists while new problem arises.

The advantages of SPL in terms of development and performance have been described a lot above. In addition, SPL has many other advantages: no version issue; good integration makes it possible to integrate in applications seamlessly; fully-featured; simpler technology stack; no need to resort to other technologies; lower O&M costs.

Is this chatgpt for some made up language?

No, it's the open source SPL above

This is where SPL comes from. Its theoretical basis is no longer the relational algebra, but something called discrete dataset. The formal language designed based on this new algebra is named SPL (structured process language).

Innovations against the shortcomings of SQL have been made to SPL (more precisely, innovations against various deficiencies of relational algebra have been made to the discrete dataset). SPL redefines and extends many operations of structured data, specifically, it adds the discreteness, enhances ordered computation, implements a thorough set orientation, supports object references, and advocates stepwise operation.

In short:

* Java doesn't have rich computing libraries despite being around for decades

* SPL has those libraries, and is faster than Java, despite being interpreted - and is itself a Java program?

* Other computing stacks are "bloated", but this repository's head is 803MB (without .git folder) and includes 493 jar files?

What is the value proposition here?

Why not show some code samples and benchmarks?

Let’s start with an example to explain why it’s difficult to write in SQL: calculate the maximum consecutive days that a stock keeps rising.

SELECT MAX(ContinuousDays) FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) ContinuousDays FROM (SELECT SUM(UpDownTag) OVER ( ORDER BY TradeDate) NoRisingDays FROM (SELECT TradeDate, CASE WHEN Price>LAG(price) OVER ( ORDER BY TradeDate) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END UpDownTag FROM Stock ) ) GROUP BY NoRisingDays )

SQL adopts a four-layer nested code, which is more complicated overall. This problem was once used as a recruitment test of our company, the pass rate was less than 20%. Since this test question was too difficult, we modified it: give the statement and ask the candidate to find its objective. Unfortunately, the pass rate was still not high. What does it tell us? It tells us that once the calculation logic becomes slightly complex, SQL will become difficult in both understanding and writing!

Then, how SPL solve these?

For the first example:


Maybe you think it's bad, that's okay, give some good advice

New technology will always face various controversies, I hope to see more suggestions

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