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KeePassXC merged Passkey support to their next release branch (fosstodon.org)
23 points by varjolintu 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

This is welcome news. Portable local first passkeys not controlled by a multinational corp that won't allow you to be in control of your authentication.

Well done keepassxc keep up the good work!

Thank you devs, KeePassXC helps keep my family protected :-)

Outstanding work. There is some finetuning needed and the ecosystem needs to catch up - looking at you Firefox and KeePassDX, probably more. But this really is a milestone. So glad KeePassXC exists and allowed me to transition over from 1Password.

I love KeePassXC! It not being open to a network, while still being super easy to share between devices is perfect.

Btw, they have a donate page if you want to contribute


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