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Building React-like components for Ruby (phlexui.com)
8 points by georgekettle 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

For a long time, the Rails community has rejected the React and it's ideologies. However, one thing I have always been left wanting, was a solid component library like TailwindUI or ShadCN/UI

Finally I've started building it. If I get 10 sales, I'll build it out.

Check it out https://www.phlexui.com

Small feedback, when I first saw your graph I thought ERB was 12x as fast not 12x as slow

This looks like it could be a big deal for Rails developers. Increased speed to build standard UI elements, completely control over the look and feel, plus increased rendering speed due to Phlex. I can only imagine how much time this has taken and will take to build. Thanks for such an awesome contribution to the space!

Very cool! I'll chip in and give it a try on some prototypes I'm working on.

Btw, the checkmark doesn't seem to be appearing inside the checkbox component on iOS/Safari (dark mode).

Sounds Great! Happy to support this.

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