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> Can hold that for about 5 minutes, then falling back to about 60 to 65 kph.

If you’re suggesting doing 60 to 65 kph for an hour on a normal road bike after 5 minutes of 75 kph, I simply don’t believe you.

The world record 1 hour time on ultra flat indoor terrain set in 2014 was 51.852 km (32.219 mi). It’s climbed since then but your suggestion of ~63 kph for a full hour on a roadbike comes off as silly unless your using serious electric assistance.

I believe that you don't believe me, because that's what I always got. Except when on rare ocasssions ppl followed me with a car or motorbike. OR I pushed them to ride like they couldn't believe when they rode with me, which was also rare.

Can't do anything about it. Shrug. :-)

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