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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis bans pro-Palestine student organisation (aljazeera.com)
11 points by bluish29 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I often hear people form DeSantis's party pushing their right to discriminate and spew hate against LGBT folk based on "free speech principles". Even forcefully arguing for free speech on this basis.

When you say conservative, many people would think of a Principled person who sticks to their Principles and Values.

This is a good example of how that is often not the case. If anything, I've found many conservatives to be hypocrites with loose values that change and adapt depending on the situation. This is a perfect example of that, blocking the free speech of this student group.

Its free speech, as long as it's speech they agree with.

Based on what? Their speech?

As a presidential candidate, invoking Islamophobia is the go-to option for media attention-seeking.

In my opinion, the invocation is of pro-Israel sentiment, nore than anti-Muslim. Although of course, the former is bolstered by the latter.

People talk about X-derangement syndrome in US (and Western) politics, and Israel is another perfect example of that.

"Are you, or have you ever been part of a pro-palestine group or do you know or associate with anyone who has or does?"

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