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v0 (IIRC) was not called v0 when it was released. It was called "custom web components". The release of a new version of custom web components is what caused the re-name to `v0`, with the new version being called `v1`. So you built on top of one version to be told later that you'd participated in a beta (unbeknownst to you).

hmm. doesn't stuff like this happen every time that chrome implements some interface but other browser vendors don't get on board with that specific version? doesn't this happen... kind of often? isn't it apparent that there's a risk of this happening whenever chrome implements something before there's standards agreement?

> doesn't stuff like this happen every time that chrome implements some interface but other browser vendors don't get on board with that specific version?

Yes. What rarely happens though is that Youtube gets immediately rewritten with the new tech.

shrug one arm of alphabet pushes through changes to Chrome without standards consensus, another arm of alphabet makes a poor bet on it.

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