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and also not sure how private investment funding driverless car companies + having cities mostly just stay out of the way is communism?

People’s willingness to buy very low yield government bonds is independent from people willing to make high risk investments in private companies. Trying to get people in group A to make investments of type B through government action is the kind of central planning you don’t want.

Cities taking advantage of people with ultra low risk tolerance to make infrastructure investments at ultra low rates that only make sense with very long time horizons is dependent on markets.

no need to make anyone make any investments they don't want. private market has already funded many driverless car companies. no communism needed.

> Even if we had to fund 10 of those companies for a similar amount, that seems like a better investment than the dozen or so subway miles that would fund.

Ahh, so by ‘we’ you didn’t actually mean a group you are part of but instead other people.

yes sorry that was confusing

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