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We're already at step two, since no one sincerely thinks Craig Murray is a terrorist.

He is not likely taken part in terrorist activities personally, but he admitted to supporting terrorists, so it's not out of the realm of plausible he also provided material support and aid to them. I'm not saying it necessarily happened, but it's not unbelievable.

In the post admitted to supporting Palestinians, and pro-Palestine causes. Is there more to this, or are you painting all Palestinians as terrorists?

Stop with this cheap "all Palestinians" baiting. He explicitly and directly endorsed Hamas and Hezbollah on his social media. And directly said he endorses any action by them right after Hamas murdered 1400 people, so there's no doubt whether or not he makes any distinctions. Maybe you should do at least minimal research before regurgitating formulas the media stuffed your head with.

Show us some proof. Tall claims require tall evidence.

For the record, Israel is killing medics and press members, and have done so for their entire existence. Their status as a state, and the US's backing of them at any cost including threats of violence and terrorist accusations if we don't just 'fall in line'.

Maybe you should realize the character of who you're supporting. Israel is not a legitimate country and the US has no right instigating more bullshit in that region.

There are no correct sides in this conflict except with innocent civilians which nobody seems to genuinely care about.

Accuse me of whatever you want, the alternative is being okay with one side raping and pillaging, which imo is worse.

I'm not going to debate your ignorance and your hate. The proof that Murray supports terrorism is in his own tweets, which are quoted many times here. You are free to remain blind to it, as you are obviously blind to many other things, in service of your hate, which makes you support murderers and rapists. That still doesn't change the facts.

Neither Hamas or Israel are correct in their aggression. I urge you to read about the formation of Israel and ask yourself what value colonialism has in the modern age.

Strange that favoring peaceful civilians, of any ethnicity btw, means hatred. People are so binary in their thought that they assume only two sides exist.

If only all fascists in sheepskins would get this treatment to start with

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