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Bad public transit doesn’t mean public transit can’t be good. It just means your local transit happens to be bad.

The crazy thing is bad transit needs a larger subsidy because people don’t want to use it. So good systems get better and bad systems get worse.

i think its just easier to make uber style driverless EVs be great than it is to make public transit great

The hard part of Uber style driverless EVs being great is having extra roads to handle the extra traffic not actually building the self driving bits.

People in NYC don’t just save money using the metro vs a Taxi they save time.

NYC is the one US city where trains almost make sense, but there are a ton of downsides related to cost, safety, etc. I'd love to see all those dedicated right-of-ways put to more efficient use with self-driving vehicles.

NYC has out of control costs. Look to Vancouver canada for a very different picture.

Great for uber is still limited by traffic and is a lot more expensive than great transit which doesn't get stuck in traffic, and thus is much cheaper than uber for better service.

Bad service is much worse on transit though.

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