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How does this work? If they have to provide writing what's the point? Surely the individual could just wipe their device in that time?

If they confiscate the device during the initial detention then them issuing written notice that they need the password doesn't really change much since they're going to be getting access to your device whether you like it or not.

He was detained in a room. I am pretty sure there was a printer nearby and they could give him those documents in writing.

re-reading the act, it actually says "must be given in writing or (if not in writing) must be given in a manner that produces a record of its having been given;"

So being given verbally with a tape recorder or note-taker recording the interaction is actually sufficient. Sounds like the police had exactly that.

>Surely the individual could just wipe their device in that time?

And then they charge them with obstruction of justice and destruction of potential evidence.

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