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[flagged] Social media giants censoring pro Palestine posts (aljazeera.com)
41 points by A4ET8a8uTh0 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 27 comments

Aljazeera is simply not a neutral reporter about the situation in the middle east. They are biased to the point you just can't trust their journaling.

What happened with the news about the hospital bombing by Israel, that supposedly killed 500 Palestinians. Given as a fact by Aljazeera, and later became clear it was an Hamas rocket, it killed less then a dozen people, and didn't even hit the hospital. [1]

They are just blatantly pushing their anti-Semitic agenda.

[1] https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/gallery/2023/10/17/photos-an-i...

That article credits Gaza officials and cites no other sources, so it's the officials in Gaza that you can't trust.

They followed up with an article about discrepancies in the reports:


This is fairly standard war reporting, you report on the news you have in a fast-moving environment and follow-up as the picture becomes clearer.

Not much different than an article from the Times of Israel for example, except they say Hamas instead of Gaza officials... they too claim their sources called it an Israeli airstrike:


The hospital zionist lie has already been debunked time and time again.

What's funny, is that the zionists have provided a video from Aljazeera as "proof" that Hamas bombed the hospital, and said "it's obvious, go look it up yourself". (That's what pushed Aljazeera to make an investigation) But the video was from an hour before the actual bomb was dropped on the hospital.

Anyway, here's an excellent documentary explaining what really happened, and showing the timeline of the events: https://nitter.unixfox.eu/i/status/1716793296217895156

And here's a long twitter thread showing all the proof piece by piece (it's 37 tweets, make sure to hit more replies to see them all): https://nitter.unixfox.eu/i/status/1715446129330925780

Even the mainstream corporate media, afraid of losing all credibility, just _today_ updated thier narrative to say "we don't really know who did it": https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/24/world/middleeast/gaza-hos...

Spoiler alert: about the type of the projectile, it was confirmed by U.S. weapons experts as a JDAM, which means it was supplied by the U.S. as part of its military aid. So the American taxpayer is paying for the bombing of hospitals and the murdering of civillians, most of which are children.

> They are just blatantly pushing their anti-Semitic agenda.

There's no antisemitic agenda anywhere on the world. It's just a term used to silence your opponents. However, there's a colonialist agenda for ethnically cleansing Palestinians from Gaza. And this agenda relies on mainstream corporate media to hide the war crimes from the world.

Call for a ceasefire! Save humanity!

Are you justifying censorship as you claim to be the arbiter of what's trustworthy and what isn't?

This is quite the opposite. Every social media that is "palestine based" is censoring any other opinion that is contradict the palestine/Hamas narrative.

Try it yourself to put some post or even comment in /r/palestine , /r/chomsky Those are all controlled by brainwashed ISIS-supporter without any real attempt to real discussion about how to solve this situation.

He is saying Al Jazeera is not reliable. I.e maybe we should not believe their report about social media censorship.

I am seeing posts that are pro-Palestinian on both FB and Twitter.

This also seems to fit a pattern where if I see a post or article on ostensible censorship of topic X, I have also seen recent content on topic X, which leads me to believe that (a) most censorship discourse is really an attempt to play with grievance dynamics and (b) if anything is being actually supressed I probably haven’t heard about it.

The article did not say that all the pro-palestinian content is censored. The article may be right while you still see what's left.

Get real. The government of Palestine murdered 1,000 innocent people. Now they are going to receive a military response and people are pretending they are the victims.

Now you're accusing "The government of Palestine" and not just Hamas!!

So what? if they killed 1000 "innocent" people, how many Israel should kill to make their revenge? Until this moment Israel has killed more than 5800 (and still counting) also innocent people, and most of them are women and children.

Killing more people won't help, finding a solution for the original situation is the only way for Palestine and Israel people to have peace.

They aren't trying to murder people. They are trying to end a hostile foreign government engaged in attacking their territory.

Israel can't fix the world's problems, but they have a right to self defense.

"A hostile foreign government" is exactly what Israel is. What's wrong with you people?! Are we living in two different worlds or what?! Do you even know why there's a conflict between the two countries? Stop jumping into the middle of the conversation and go do some research. The situation has roots from before 1948, so stop starting your timeline of what's happening from the 7th of October.

The mental gymnastics one must go through to accept that “a military response” that’s murdered more innocent folks is justified has become so prevalent these past few weeks.

There can be more than one victim

In war there is a lot of propoganda on all sides and it's not shocking that western platforms are acting to block this type of thing.

The reality on the ground is that the Gaza Strip is not a free country with a free news media and like we have in the west, and the terrorist government there is focused on producing sympathetic nonsense.

Could you imagine if Germany in WWII was publishing propoganda about how the British were just murdering innocent civilians? The Allies didn't wake up and decide to murder a bunch of people. They did it to counter the german's attacks.

That being said there should be a global solution to refugees and they should be allowed to have lead a full and free life everywhere they exist and not live in camps, but that needs to be settled in such a way that it doesn't leave a terrorist government in power or destroy other country's right to exist.

Unfortunately, their propaganda is part of their terror attempts to gain empathy and lie about their intentions.

I recently saw an algorithmically-promoted post questioning whether Israelis had been killed & kidnapped, so social networks are not doing the best job there either.

Do not wonder what is true, only believe.

What is this supposed to mean?

I am teasing people for their blind adherence to 2023 normative epistemology.

I've been watching some articles from AJ related to the war. While it's always clear where they stand, articles range from very fact focused (even if not counter balanced) to the extreme anti-Israel pieces. I've been seeing this one, particularly, in my time-line and I've not risked watching it.

I suggest that you should watch AJ content, but try to steer clear of the more biased ones.

Don't forget. The english version of aljazeera is a more western oriented venture that started in 2003/2006.

But it's still a propaganda machine of Qatar, even though the anti-western sentiment was reduced by their success in English:

> The new English language venture faced considerable regulatory and commercial hurdles in the North America market for its perceived sympathy with extremist causes.[92][93][94] At the same time, others felt Al Jazeera's competitive advantage lay in programming in the Arabic language. There were hundreds of millions of potential viewers among the non-Arabic language speaking Muslims in Europe and Asia, however, and many others who might be interested in seeing news from the Middle East read by local voices. If the venture panned out, it would extend the influence of Al Jazeera, and tiny Qatar, beyond even what had been achieved in the station's first decade. In an interesting twist of fate, the BBC World Service was preparing to launch its own Arabic language station in 2007. Today, evidence of U.S. antipathy at the Arabic network has dissipated significantly, though not entirely, several American analysts said in 2013.[95]


All newspapers are pushing their parent state's propaganda. It is reductive to point out that Al Jazeera is the sockpuppet of Qatar.

The real question is "whose propaganda and manufactured lies do you want to believe?" There is no mainstream media that isn't pushing some kind of narrative in the Internet age.

Just pointing this out, not saying you are wrong. Thanks for clarifying where Al-Jazeera stands.

Let's look at today's headlines for propoganda and narrative.

NY Times - Death Toll Climbs in Gaza as Israel Intensifies Airstrikes - Israel Says it will Destroy Hamas. But Who Will Govern Gaza? - A Guide to the Surprising Cameos in "Killers of the Flower Moon" - Divided House Republicans Meet Yet Again to Choose a Speaker

Fox News - 84 year old released Hamas hostage speaks out about terror infliced on her - Far-left Dems could get rude awakening for 'sympathizing with terrorist organizations' - Isreal makes offer to Palestinians in exchange for information on hostages - House Republicans gear up for secret move that could result in the next speaker

Aljazeera - Gaza officials say 704 people killed in Israeli air raids in last 24 hours - Qatari emir says Israel should not be given 'free licence to kill' in Gaza - 'Significant censorship' of Palestine on social media sparks outcry - Why is France's Macron visiting Israel?

The Washington Post - Gaza deaths mount as Israel intensifies strikes - US Readies plans for mass ecacuations if war escalates - Released hostage was held in 'spiderweb' of damp gaza tunnels - Republicans can't open the House, which could shut down the government

CNN - Released hostage: 'I went through hell' - Whoever the GOP picks as its next speaker nominee may never get the top job -Tensions between Trump and RNC spill over into public view -Anderson Cooper obtained video of a kidnapped American. He didn't recognize him until he interview his parents.

> All newspapers are pushing their parent state's propaganda.

Well not really no, state newspapers absolutely aren't equal in independence. And that also extends to private newspapers as well, their editorial structure and independance isn't equal.


All newspapers are pushing their parent state's propaganda. [...]

The real question is "whose propaganda and manufactured lies do you want to believe?" There is no mainstream media that isn't pushing some kind of narrative in the Internet age." All three sentences are wrong. "All"-statements generally need really strong proofs and I doubt it you can provide it.

Oh zero argument there. Reading it without correcting for bias is the same as reading RT, South China Morning Post, Guardian or WaPo. I will admit I did not know about adjusting sentiment in English. I am not surprised, but that is new to me.

I'd be curious if these same groups complained when Trump was banned from Twitter?

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