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Memex like products/communities for gathering personal data? (twitter.com/andre_terron)
2 points by yonz 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Recently ran into Memex a personal data repository built by Andrew (Brew conf 2018)and realized maybe I'm not alone in wanting to gather structure and explore my personal data from all apps and activities.

Please share if you have hacks, tools, communities or products that can help archive the above.

Tweet thread yielded the following:

- Brew conf 2018 Memex presentation: https://youtu.be/DFWxvQn4cf8?feature=shared

- Chronicle ETL : a cli for ETL'ing from different data siloes https://github.com/chronicle-app/chronicle-etl

- Mainframe https://github.com/andreterron/mainframe

- Dogsheep is a collection of tools for personal analytics using SQLite and Datasette. https://dogsheep.github.io/

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