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True Portability Is the Killer Use Case for WebAssembly (thenewstack.io)
4 points by walterbell 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

"UNCOL (Universal Computer Oriented Language) is a universal intermediate language for compilers. The idea was introduced in 1958, by a SHARE ad-hoc committee. It was never fully specified or implemented; in many ways it was more a concept than a language."

-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNCOL

Serialzation formats (xml, html, json, etc.) seem to be the be all / end all thing of the moment.

Somewhat perplexed no push to use AI to convert source/binaries to EBNF or equivalent "text" format (platform / programming language agostic) vs. changing up the compiled/bytecode levels of abstraction/environment with web engines / vms / etc. Would seem like a possible way

EBNF or similar discription (for languages not suitable for ebnf) makes for easy distribution/portability/verifibility. Checksums & merkel trees provide way for "what was modified".

Another lost decades we're going to build our stacks on something that does not natively support arrays nor uses them by default. Why? It should be very clear we need memory references which know how big the referenced area is and can trap out of bound access _at runtime_.

Namespace security issues on who gets access to various physical memory available (and/or remote access) in multi-user environment usually handled by OS/supervisor program such as init.

Everyone at work (tech & non-tech) does not need full root access to work server.

Yes, Unix/C architecture has the implicit assumption that accessing out of bounds memory is a non-issue because it affects only one process and thus it's perfectly safe even if it goes undetected.

He he he (sad laughter).

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