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That’s a long story. It was a consulting project that I was only peripherally involved in.

Suffice it to say during the three months I was on “focus” I got perfect feedback from my project managers, my coworkers and a perfect customer satisfaction score from my customers on projects I led - I worked in the AWS consulting division.

Both of the customers reached out to me about working on contract after I left.

I was suppose to be 80% billable and I met those targets all of the time. I refused to take on another project that would have had me juggle two full time projects that would have put my utilization at 140%.

I was going to look for a job earlier. But everyone told me to wait on the PIP and the severance.

I’m 49 years old and my shit tolerance level is much too low to put up with something like that. I knew someone would hire me either as a contractor or full time. My bills are really low (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36306966).

The full time job I got after leaving was perfect. Not only that, a former CTO offered me a consulting contract the day I found out I had gotten pipped to troubleshoot an AWS implementation.

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