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Japan detects Gravity Anomaly on the far side of the moon (jaxa.jp)
7 points by nickb on Nov 28, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

The only plausible explanation -- and Occam's razor will back me up on this -- is that there's a large black monolith buried underground at the location of the anomaly that has the same proportions as a monolith that will soon be discovered near Jupiter. We were supposed to discover it seven years ago. Better late than never I guess.

geeze -- either a) people here have never seen the Kubrick classic "2001" - which would be nothing short of a crime or b) people here have no sense of humor (or both i guess). please feel free to downmod me freely for this comment. :-)

I think you're being downmodded because your comment is a bit more reddit-like than news.yc-like. Personally I find it borderline, but I'd just be sure to include some serious question or commentary with a joke post like this.

I thought the joke was too forced and not very funny.

Wasn't TMA1 located in Tycho Crater (near side)?

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