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zapzapi 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite

I had the intuition, but I really had to take a look at Wikipedia to confirm - yes, Americans are "special":

> A lactation room is a private space where a nursing mother can use a breast pump. The development is mostly confined to the United States, which is unique among developed countries in providing minimal maternity leave. Historian Jill Lepore argues that the "non-bathroom lactation room" and breast pumps generally are driven by corporate need for workers rather than mothers' wishes or babies' needs.

In my country a mother is on maternity leave for a whole year. Problem (mostly) solved.

Trollbait posts don't belong here.

if they can lactate and need to do so, maybe.

Edit: let's just eliminate the rooms, let everyone breastfeed or express in public if they need to.

What is wrong with going to the bathroom stall for an anxiety attack…

I don't think there's any way you can really stop them these days..

Yea I don’t even know why this is a question. There’s not enough information to know what a “man” is here. Do they mean a cis man? A transwoman? Anyone who doesn’t identify as the male gender but also isn’t a trans? It’s just bait.

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