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First Brexit, now X-it: Musk 'considering' pulling platform from EU over probe (theregister.com)
12 points by rntn 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

Disappointed that such a snarky piece left out a crucial bit of context: In May 2022, Musk openly supported the Digital Services Act.

>> Breton: Of course, we discussed many issues, and I was happy to be able to explain to you the DSA, a new regulation in Europe, and I think that now, you understand very well. It fits pretty well with what you think we should do on the platform?

>> Musk: I think it’s exactly aligned with my thinking. I think I very much agree… It’s been a great discussion. I agree with everything you said, really. I think we’re very much of the same mind and anything that my companies can do that would be beneficial to Europe, we want to do that.

The DSA was passed in October 2022 [2]. Did Elon misunderstand the DSA back in May 2022? Was he misled by Thierry Breton? Maybe, but the DSA was getting finalized in April 2022 [2], and Elon could've read the bill or the Wikipedia article immediately after if not before chatting with Breton.

[1] https://www.techdirt.com/2022/05/10/what-free-speech-elon-mu...

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Services_Act

The sooner the better... for the EU.

This is a pathetic hit piece. It compares Musk as a petulant teenager through its own teary-eyed, red faced tantrum. Clearly Musk is making a point and sending a message with X since acquiring it, a shakeup long overdue. It won't happen, but I say let X abandon the EU rather than comply with absurd censorship desires. Good riddance indeed.

Can X abandon the US as well? Pretty please?

Not without repealing freedom of speech.

This isnt the flex he thinks it is, and unfortunately he’s not a man of his word.

Oh no! Anyway...

That Bark has so little bite left in a fast deglobalizing world.

Only if X wasn't viewed as a dying platform.

Oh yes, pretty please, do it.

Wish it would abandon the US

Not without repealing freedom of speech.

Good riddance!

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