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Turbopuffer: $1/month per million vectors (turbopuffer.com)
46 points by georgehill 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

> Sign up for the alpha waitlist

This looks great but let's have a thread once the actual thing is there to be discussed. On HN there's no harm in waiting:



This is in the interests of the project as well, btw, because if there's a big thread now, then a subsequent thread will probably get downweighted as a follow-up (https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&que...) or buried as a dupe.

Got it. Thanks!

What is the use case here? Are these operations so computationally intensive that normal servers/VMs can't handle it?

Turbopuffer is also a terrible name because it makes me think of someone performing oral sex or smoking weed. If that's what you're going for with the name then you have succeeded. It worked for Pk-Zip....

Typically, vector databases store the index in memory, requiring machines with a lot of RAM. There are ways to reduce the memory usage, e.g. with quantization, but more recently disk-first databases (LanceDB) and algorithms (DiskANN) are becoming more popular as they scale better and are cheaper.

> It worked for Pk-Zip....

I'm trying to wrap my head around that. For me, PK is Player Kill, Pakistan or Psychokinesis. I don't get the porn and/or weed reference.

Phil Katz - he chose zip as the name of his file format because he thought it was sexy because it implied a zipper - "unzip her"

Right. Thanks!

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