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juliabmachado 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite

What is the difference between a React Component and a React Plugin? “The community” is “powering” 1000s of libraries. How is a Library for real time collaboration different from a Plugin for real time collaboration?

I read the webcrumbs README on GitHub, which describes itself as an admin GUI for react websites.

> WebCrumbs aspires to be an industry-standard solution for React applications, positioned as the "WordPress for React." Whether you're a developer or not, you'll find it effortless to create, manage, and scale your React-based websites using our intuitive admin panel.

The wiki there also isn’t very helpful, I read this and… still don’t get it other than “we are going to be Wordpress but implemented in React/Node instead of PHP” https://github.com/webcrumbs-community/webcrumbs/wiki/Motiva...

I guess, you want a GUI package manager that allows drag and drop of components to build a page?

EDIT: I think this story should just link to https://github.com/webcrumbs-community/webcrumbs

The webcrumbs project is new and mostly unimplemented (?), and has GitHub issues encouraging contributors to write a “Hello Dolly” plugin (does this mean the simplest possible plugin) and design the database schema (for MongoDB/mongoose).

When you make such a suggestion, maybe you want to start by defining terms and how you differentiate between plug-in vs library..

> that allow extending React websites with plugins powered by the community

So you are you talking about user-provided plugins? Sort of like web browser extensions, but talking to the React API?

Frontend plugins is actually exist by default on browser !

I left it as a question for reader though.

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