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SpaceX Space Station (chrisprophet.substack.com)
11 points by spikels 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

> then rely on private enterprise to provide a suitable commercial alternative.

Read: To provide exorbitant profits to private defense/aerospace corporations, as if all of the war profiteering on Afghanistan and now Ukraine, and the enormous payday they got during covid, wasn't enough.

Compare the price tags for SpaceX missions to those for the latest "government-issue" launching system [1] and your thesis is not just punctured but nullified and voided.

[1] https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/03/nasa-inspector-gener...

The "public" ISS gave over $100B to Boeing et al.

(sighs and hangs head down.)

As opposed to the alternative…which is?

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