> Some one who pays upfront likely can afford and might have higher lifetime value. Someone to advertise to, upsell, or whatever.
100%. Richer people tend to be better customers. But that's another strike in favor of geoblocking non-US visitors.
When I was a kid growing up in Africa, I dreamt of a world where everything was accessible and purchasable and learnable everywhere, all the time, to everyone. Hopefully the internet turns out to be an equalizing factor and we get there someday.
Right now it's not really fair to expect business owners - most of whom are in non-tech businesses that require 100% focus - to keep up with the tidal wave of scams, hackers, and regulators originating from outside their sphere of concern.
100%. Richer people tend to be better customers. But that's another strike in favor of geoblocking non-US visitors.
When I was a kid growing up in Africa, I dreamt of a world where everything was accessible and purchasable and learnable everywhere, all the time, to everyone. Hopefully the internet turns out to be an equalizing factor and we get there someday.
Right now it's not really fair to expect business owners - most of whom are in non-tech businesses that require 100% focus - to keep up with the tidal wave of scams, hackers, and regulators originating from outside their sphere of concern.