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I am confused by this. The guy who runs Cryptome (which is arguably a thorn in the side of the US intelligence services and US government) is telling the US government that if they don't charge him with a crime (which if convicted could probably lead to the website being shutdown.), he's going to shut down that website that exposes US intelligence secrets.

Um. I just don't know what to say about this. I'm so confused by this logic. I'm sure the people in the US Intelligence services are going to be crying themselves to sleep because Cryptome closes. I bet they'll be begging US prosecutors to charge him with a crime just to keep Cryptome open. I just don't get the logic behind this. Someone please explain it to me.

Although as other people have pointed out, the site might actually still be up… tho I think there’s a trend that is real, to do with the personality of people who get into this kind of “work”.

I think one reason is… a lot of “personalities” in the leaker movement seem to have a pathological martyr-like demeanor (often amplified for good effect with a diva-like character too), which leads them to making these irrational own-goal “strategic win” protest moves, which might really just be them hitting the big red self-destruct buttons on their chest.

Almost like it’s daddy issues writ large, and they want to do anything provocative just to get attention. Which kind of leads them to seemingly gauge their success by the question: “how much have I been oppressed today?”

I think Snowden is remarkable for having avoided this common pitfall, leading to him having a longer shelf life.

I don’t know that much about this it’s just a theory.

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