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Ask HN: Any no-fuss way to publish Markdown to blog posts
1 point by randomor 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Seeking efficient ways to publish markdown files (with images, front matters, links between pages) in 2023. Found 11ty, which is pretty close, but aiming to convert an Obsidian knowledge base into a publishable format. What are your setups?

Give https://github.com/textplainly a follow. I've got something in the works.

I have a custom setup using pandoc … but why not something like ghost or any other static site generator. They take markdown and convert it into html.

I haven’t tried ghost. But it needs to be hosted and can’t be static and served from github or netlify tho? The only features I need for editing can all be satisfied by vs code or markdown editors better so I don’t really need a CMS system.

I am pretty sure ghost can be setup with GitHub pages.

Ahh then it all you need is something to render to the web then yeah a CMS is overkill.

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