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A Q&A with Meta Employees on Blind (tldr0.medium.com)
11 points by vkdelta 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

It's disheartening that pretty much all of these questions are about playing the game of working in a large tech company. I mean, I get it. It's Blind and it's rare to get candid access to a director who can tell you how the game is played. But still... I'm seeing zero passion for the customers, the products, the technical problems or the other things that make me enjoy working in this industry.

Why would you have anything like passion for the customers or products in Meta of all places? Their main product, FB, is implicated in facilitating ethnic cleansings in multiple countries. Their other big success, Instagram, is a gigantic lie factory designed to give young women body image disorders.

The only way to help Metas customers is figure out how to make that BGP outage they had in 2021 permanent.

I agree that Meta doesn't seems like the type of company that would attract that type of passion. My comment is more that, even with that prior, the near total lack of it was still surprising. I've personally known some Meta employees who had a passion for the work. I suspect the crowd on Blind is just going to be more focused on climbing the corporate ladder.

Those types of questions can be asked openly, without needing to anonymize your identity. So since this was an anonymous Q&A, it makes sense that most questions would be things that reflect "playing the corporate ladder" rather than customer focus, product market fit, etc.

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