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> rsyslogd is not a default install item now, and when you install it, there is no init script.

It’s in the orphan-sysvinit-scripts package.

What a strange place to put it, there's loads of sysinit scripts still, but thanks for the heads up.

Re: other response...

None of those things require systemd under debian, and it's easy to use sysvinit. I run loads of systems without systemd.

> What a strange place to put it, there's loads of sysinit scripts still

Well, apparently the rsyslog daemon itself does not include a sysvinit script; i.e. the rsyslog developers did not write or supply one. So it falls to the distribution, in this case Debian, packager to supply such a script. The Debian packager for the rsyslog package has chosen not to do the work of maintaining a sysvinit script. Debian has further chosen not to require sysvinit scripts for every package. Since maintaining a package is volunteer work, nobody could reasonably expect packagers to do work they don’t want to do which is not required. And thus the rsyslog package does not contain a sysvinit script.

The sysvinit scripts which used to be present in many Debian packages but which the corresponding packagers have chosen to not maintain, are still offered in the orphan-sysvinit-scripts package. The sysvinit-core package “recommends” (a Debian packaging term) the orphan-sysvinit-scripts package, which means that everybody who installs the sysvinit-core package should get the orphan-sysvinit-scripts package installed by default.

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