>Banana republic, derogatory term for a country that has an economy dependent solely on revenue from exporting a single product or commodity. As a result, such countries are typically controlled by foreign-owned companies or industries. Banana republics usually have a highly stratified socioeconomic structure, with a small ruling class that controls access to wealth and resources, and are politically unstable. The term has its origins in the development of banana plantations by American corporations and their exploitation of land and workers in Central and South America beginning in the late 19th century.
Inflation is through the roof
Suppression of the free press (podcast) are planned and to be set in motion
The leader is doing vacation with Canadian's taxes
There is a carbon taxes that affect the middle-class and poor family
Housing prices are sky rocketing
Buy healthy grocery has gotten really expensive
CERB was a joke and facade on the first place
Corporations are given lee-way with what they can do
Please explain as to why it is not remotely true!!!