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Even Google Insiders Are Questioning Bard AI Chatbot's Usefulness (bloomberg.com)
8 points by ggm 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I want to observe that this may look like it's about Bard but really I think this is a comment about the current field, not the specific instance. The value proposition may have been oversold.

Against that, you would probably argue that people who risk being dis-intermediated by software have reason to question the software's utility because they have skin in the game, but I think if they say even as an adjunct it has less value than the cost of investment otherwise requires, that has to be thought about.

Google kills products on it's own grounds. We read here the grounds are often because it's a KPI for somebody senior, to establish their worth at their paygrade, and not actually related to it's utility as a thing in itself. So I would think if there is a swings-and-roundabouts here, somebody will get a boost up and push back on Bard, because they make point if the do. But since I am in the skeptic camp, I won't personally view this as "google kills the golden goose" as much as "realism has hit"

But there may be too much invested in this goose, to kill.

(I'm in the skeptic camp, as an outsider, I don't work in google or any of the majors)

Google always tries to get their employees to pump up the hot new thing. It often backfires because they’re exposed to early, buggy, incomplete and occasionally infuriating user experience. They wear down their staunchest allis until there’s nothing left.

people is just starting to appreciate just how useful static formulas are. They are truly lightweight, condensed, and specialized form of knowledge that we take for granted.

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