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Tim Sweeny view on Pascal and derived languages (twitter.com/timsweeneyepic)
7 points by pjmlp 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

That's it? A single two-sentence tweet?

It is actually 2 tweets

"Pascal (Wirth, 1970) was a high point in clean strongly-typed language design. Here, we see: every program has a name and, if it interacts with the outside world, must explicitly declare input & output."

"Except for a historical accident - and "accident" is the right word here - the Pascal language family would have defined mainstream programming instead of C/C++. The world of computing would have been much simpler and safer if that had occurred."

For added context ZZT was written by Tim Sweeney as an attempt to write a better Pascal editor. It turned into a game, later he incorporated things he learned from ZZT into Unreal.

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