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Photoshop Is Now on the Web (medium.com/addyosmani)
3 points by pjmlp 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Very impressive. Photoshop is really pushing the edge of what a web application can do here. Hopefully one day the notion of desktop and mobile application is dead and almost everything can be securely manipulated through your web browser with high performance.

Also we find the usual web browser provider who is somewhat behind of modern standards:

> Photoshop on the web is currently available on desktop versions of: > Chrome 102+ > Edge 102+ > Firefox 111+ > and work to close the gap in support for Safari is underway.

The browser is the new X Windows / RDP client, and the dream of all SaaS providers, back into the timesharing days, this is why this kind of ports is happening.

We are back to the thin clients from 1970 - 2000's.

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