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The Value of Livestreaming Long-Term Projects (danielmangum.com)
3 points by hasheddan 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Excellent idea! I might be showing my age here but... Does anyone have any recommendations on how to get started with live streaming? What hardware, software, and web platforms do you need to make a full live coding experience with audience participation?

There is a pretty wide range of setups, but you can get started with just a laptop and Open Broadcaster Studio (OBS) streaming to YouTube or Twitch. My personal setup has evolved a bit, and currently consists of:

- Two machines. One is for development and the other is dedicated streaming.

- The development machine is connected to the streaming machine with an HDMI cable and an Elgato capture card.

- Microphone is a Rode Podcaster (XLR), which is connected to an audio interface.

- Audio interface is a Scarlett 2i2, which is attached to the streaming machine via USB.

- Currently just using the webcam on the streaming machine, which is terrible, but no one is there to see my face anyway :)

Best of luck on your streaming journey and feel free to reach out if I can help out in any way!

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