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Ruby on Rails: The Documentary [Official Trailer] [video] (youtube.com)
33 points by raybb 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

I think the RoR story is quite amazing. A pipedream framework, that pulled people into a conversation about just how efficient we were as engineers using it, without types, when Java reigned supreme. And slowly but consistently just improved over time. From ActiveRecord and then moving on to merging with a competitor to create pretty much the best ORM on the market (IMO). Going from starting a web project is hard to starting a web project is trivial. They sparked the entire idea of convention over configuration. Rails magic was a literal talking point that nobody could define.

It was a wild and wonderful time.

What I love the most about Python is the lack of drama.

Guess that depends on your definition of drama :-)

Neither Matz nor DHH have quit, let alone quit due to fighting over an operator:


Fair enough, there’s a little bit of drama.

The story is a good one, because it represents a certain web/tech era for sure.... but why is this trailer soundtrack all dramatic, "Dateline", music? The DHH evolution/controversy/polarizing character is part of it sure (the later part moreso?) but as a tech story is it really the central theme this doc is going on? Based on the music and end scene one would think so. Kinda off-putting?

Honestly, I just really like David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried. They always seem to be a step ahead. The ReWork Podcast is always worth a listen.

Yes, it’s great.

I love that they focus on the real world of building products at an SME level and not Facebook scale.

They seem to have a mix of pragmatic and idealistic approaches to the world of software and business.

This approach totally connects with me who runs a small business building systems and apps based around Rails and appreciates reliable proven approaches that reduce my cognitive load around maintenance and updates.

They are some of the very few people in this industry critically thinking and using common sense instead of following fashion and trends and what FAANG is doing.

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