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Generative AI Is the Newest Tool in the Dictator's Handbook (gizmodo.com)
33 points by rntn 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I heard dictators also use motion pictures:


We must strictly regulate all cameras and other equipment capable of capturing and production motion pictures.

Think of all the things that can be done with them:

* Revenge porn


* Instructional videos in dangerous behaviors

* Propaganda

* Furtherance of hate

We must strictly regulate them.

Writing allowed organized religion, theocracy, burning heretics, etc.

Printing press allowed reformation and 100 years of religious wars.

Radio allowed totalitarianism.

Social media allowed new-wave of populism.

AI will probably disrupt the society in some way, too. Disruption is a positive word on hackernews, but in practice it's not a pleasant experience.

Sounds like the common denominator is people rather than the technology we use

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