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I hadn't seen this. Very cool thank you!

A long time ago I had an idea after leaving DEFCON about making a standard gizmo, something like a lapel pin that connects via whatever to whatever supercomputer someone is carying in their pocket and that thing presents an obvious color code. Lets say 4 quadrants with a circle in the middle. I think ideally it would be like epaper with maybe a backlight option. Non intrusive but could be vivid. This could let people know in polite society if they did not want to be recorded, were recording, how they were recording, etc. Obviously this doesn't stop anyone from doing whatever, but you can monitor signals from people and if someone is doing something they say they aren't that can be shared. You can also transmit information like PGP public keys via ultrasonic handshake or whatever.

I mean, day to day I could see never needing it but going into the office, taking the train, going to court, going to a concert, there are a lot of ways something like that could be very useful and if adopted at any sort of scale could error check and blacklist bad actors.

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