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So CSS should just be removed entirely... after all, why should a website get to choose how I consume it?

Uh, you mean CSS overrides? Or are you purposely being silly?

The website can offer their CSS, and I can load my CSS (greasemonkey scripts) to override it. They have the choice and so do I.

The argument is "why should a website have the ability to block me from what I am doing to the content they give me"

Why should a website limit what I do?

You don't even need grease monkey. Allowing the user to override css is a staple design feature.


Greatmonkey makes it easier to do per site though and also supports injecting JavaScript

Don’t be silly. You know any website can just use a canvas to show text and it’d be over. I wanna know how well your CSS overrides work on Google Docs and Google Maps.

Users lost that fight when CSS was introduced. I wish the web was just pure content, but it’s not.

Google docs you say?

Haven't tried this myself, but this claims "distraction free writing" and "dark mode" for google docs.. lots of CSS with some JS sprinkled in... https://gist.github.com/TwistedSnakes/6eeb1590bffc67adbe8e78...

Good job missing my point entirely

Google docs, maps, etc.. are sites.

You can choose not to go to them. Use open street map, or whatever.

A browser has more control over what you use.

And even yet, when all browsers follow the same standard, you have even less "control" - the standards should be for users

They can't "just use" canvas as that's a lot of extra work (and still not a perfect substitute)

Also not clear how users lost the fight with CSS when the lack of control is due to canvas

You can personalize the CSS of any website with extensions. The correct comparison here would be talking about disabling the capability to do this.

User's can disable or modify CSS whenever and however they want :)

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