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> Not even to protect your spouse? Children? Family?

Not even to protect myself. I'd exhaust all available methods of avoiding fighting, and I'm sure at least one would be successful. If not, I'd just be captured or die. War is such a bad thing that I would literally rather be killed than participate in one, if those are my only options. (Those are almost never the only options.)

> As for the claims that the male population can't leave the country, there are plenty of exceptions when they can and even then they don't need to become soldiers.

Just because there are exceptions doesn't mean that the vast majority of Ukranian males aren't having their human rights stripped by their government. They are being enslaved in service of a war that many of them would not themselves choose to fight, as plainly evidenced by the fact that double-digit percentages of Ukranian women have fled over the western border of the country. It's shameful.

Your claims about "vast majority of Ukrainian males" and "enslaved" and "would not choose to fight" that should somehow result from double-digit women leaving the country are completely unsubstantiated. You are just making up stuff that you would like to believe.

The reality is that the war has united the nation and given purpose of being to many, to stand up to tyranny and be brave. As they say in the states: Live free or die.

What I find shameful is that someone in a cushy place far from war is telling millions to give up, let them be killed, raped and enslaved by maffia barbars so you would feel just a tiny bit better about yourself.


Ukraine's population was 37M.

~25% of Ukrainians (~9M) have left their homes.

8.2M have left the country.

Of those 8.2M, 90% are women and children.

This suggests that there are AT LEAST around 8M men that would also have liked to leave, but are legally and practically prohibited from doing so, something that is a violation of their human rights.

The vast majority of human beings everywhere recoil from violence and do everything they can to avoid it. It is only when power structures impose harsh physical penalties for avoiding violence do they submit to wars and such.

> would also have liked to leave

you have no data about their wishes whatsoever.

The data is what the women did, and the fact that it is illegal for men to leave, and that women and children comprise 90% of the war refugees.

It is circumstantial, but it is not a big leap to assume that both women and men would prefer to avoid violence at a similar rate.

I think it is a bigger assumption that men and women would have different preferences about fleeing violence.

This is your OPINION it is decidedly NOT a FACT. Which you try to claim.

You are free to hold opinions but I'm also free to reject them.

I am not contesting that most people would like to avoid violence .. but don't assume most people will avoid violence AT ALL COST. Some people might care about their family, friends, home and freedom more than they want to avoid violence.

Some people think differently than you. I think, Ukrainians do, russians do.

I think war is bad but defending yourself against tyranny is not.

russians seem to think that war is good and inflicting violence on others is fine.

You think that war is bad and facing violence is worse than death.

These are demonstrably three differences in thought. Therefore you can't force your mindset as a fact upon Ukrainians.

You can't also just reject reality, war is horrible, but it still exists, I wish it didn't but it does. You can't just tell Ukrainians to give up and either be enslaved or flee. If they did then soon the tyrants would be attacking all the countries and you would actually need to face war.

I have many friends that have joined the local territorial defense here years before the current war and are training themselves for defending the country as volunteers. This is the spirit of defending your homeland.

Also being able to stand up for yourself is a useful skill to be had. I would recommend joining a local Krav Maga group. A very friendly but effective way of getting some self defense skills and confidence.

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