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Not sure what you mean. Can you provide some sample code so I can undesrstand the issue / use-case?

Not sure why but separation of concers was hammered so hard for a while that I cannot accept any inlined javascript or css at all. For me the reason is clear, I do not need to scan the html to know what a particular piece of code is doing and will just assume these ids are somewhere out there.

The first example of the site would become:

      <h2>You clicked {count} times!</h2>
      <button id='decrement'>Decrement</button>
      <button id='increment'>Increment</button>

        count = 0
        $('button#increment').on('click', () => { count++ })
        $('button#decrement').on('click', () => { count-- })

Glad to hear people still care about separation of concerns! It's been so untrendy. Particularly after Tailwind came around.

A bit more magic to need a new framework:

    <h2>You clicked {count} times!</h2>
    <button id='decrement'>Decrement</button>
    <button id='increment'>Increment</button>
    count = 0
    increment.click(() => { count++ })
    decrement.click(() => { count-- })

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