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Easing Tradeoffs with Profiles (smallcultfollowing.com)
1 point by martin-t 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

This is what i've always wanted - moddable languages.

Currently if you mostly like a lang, your options are to keep using it and occasionally complain about your frustrations or make your own lang from scratch, never seeing it go anywhere (unless you win a lottery). I know at least 2 nontrivial projects that are "Rust but X done differently", plus a whole bunch of Rust-based scripting langs like Rhai.

This opens the possibility of having different presets of tradeoffs tailored for specific tasks. Rust marketed itself as a systems lang and a lot of people including me thought that + memory safety would make it a great choice for gamedev. But anybody who actually used it to make non-toy games is bitter and frustrated about it. It's too verbose, borrowck gets in the way, features we need have been proposed years and and then nothing, ....

Now we can have what we need without compromising Rust for uses uses. Number literals that automatically infer to both integers and floats and check that no precision is lost (which is NOT silent casting). Even automatic casting in high-level parts of gamelogic. We can have automatically inferred partial borrows.

This would make Rust actually usable for gamedev and many other tasks without giving people from other areas a reason to stomp down our ergonomic features.

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