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Leaked Email to Craig Wright (twitter.com/agerhanssen)
2 points by olalonde 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Assuming it's provenance can be established, does it not undermine the legal case since it included a conspiracy to lie under oath (as I understand it, but perhaps I misread) as a serious proposal from his litigation funder, and explicit threats to withdraw backing?

I find the idea of threatening somebody to prove they are the holder of billions of dollars of electronic assets and a massive tax liability quite strange.

Maybe the person who sent the email doesn’t believe he is Satoshi. I don’t think he is Satoshi.

I don't believe he's Satoshi and I sense the mail originator (-if real) doesn't either. They believe he (the funder) could make money here, and now expresesses doubt that can work.

Perjury won't fix it, but is a stop-loss position maybe?

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