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The only thing I want out of some of these tools is either teaching or giving me out of the box configurations that help me get a reallllly good mix. Why shouldn't every record today sound pro? Talent aside, I think they should be implementing some the typical tricks sound engineers/producers use automatically.

I mean we're really talking about wave analysis then cutting of frequencies, boosting others. This can be automated based on a desired "genre/sound".

There is quite a bit more to it, distributing sound in time frequency and space, sidechain effects that apply changes on some tracks depending on the sound of other tracks (one super common example is to silence slightly instruments to leave room in volume and frequency for a kick or drums in general). Frequency splitting, parallel fx chains. It is a bit tricky to automate and is really based on a feeling as each person doing the mixing will have a different vision and experience, and every song will have a different frequency/space/time complexity even in the same genre. But most advanced DAWs with integrated collection of effects like Live or Bitwig will have presets that you can start to build on. (I have not tried reaper for that, that's on my list)

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