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Werner Herzog Calls His 70-Plus Films ‘A Distraction.’ (wsj.com)
30 points by bookofjoe 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

I had the privilege of hearing Werner Herzog give a live speech a few years ago at a small theater in a college town. One of the audience members asked him the question, "I am a young filmmaker and I am wondering your advice to me to improve my craft of filmmaking?" And Herzog replied, "Travel. Long distances, by foot, ideally." He then paused for a bit and said, simply, "Read poetry."

Those answers really stuck with me.

By the way, Herzog's style can be a bit overpowering for many viewers. So if you're looking for an introduction with a nice tech angle, you could do worse than to try "Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World". Even if you don't end up liking his filmmaking style, it'll expose you to some interesting ideas and history that are at the edges of the modern tech industry.

Herzog got me to read J. A. Baker's The Peregrine. Excellent book.

He said he doesn't watch other people's cultural output to get ideas, he reads. The new concepts are in books.

I've discovered it to be true. The concepts in books are much richer and cover new ground way more often than Marvel's latest.. erm.. marvel.

Not to disagree with you but the comparison of books with marvel is not completely fair to lots of cult movies that may not be based upon any books or anything written.

That being said, I have to admit that many of my favorite movies had a book or if based on a true story, a journalism research behind.

I second your review of "The Peregrine." Wonderful, sui generis.

Interesting... I will mainly always remember "My Best Friend" (1999) [1] and "The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser" [2]. Mainly this scene in the later [3].

What writings do you recommend from Herzog?

[1] https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0200849/

[2] https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0071691/

[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9uqPeIYMik

At the risk of sounding shallow, Bad Lieutenant is amazing

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