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Taika's 2nd - the 3rd Thor movie and Gunn's 2nd - the 2nd Guardians movie was quite bad IMO. I think Marvel could do a better job by having directors who direct only one movie and quit. Taika is a good director but he is not a good "serial director". He is great with original ideas.

But Marvel being a serial franchise by the metric of average performance the Russo brothers are the most talented director(s).

Huh, I’d put both of those in the top ten, and Guardians 2 might be #1. Most of the others are kinda cinematically flat, and any time they have any kind of political themes (which is a lot of the time, actually!) it’s always frustrating because they don’t follow through (too risky, I guess?), which those two mostly avoid. Also, the pop music thing is kinda a cop-out, but damn, at least it’s better than almost-impossible-to-remember temp-music copycats in the rest.

I can see how someone who preferred the tone of the earlier films would dislike those two, though. I’m personally not thrilled that their influence has spread to the rest of the franchise as much as it has—just because that tone works well in some of them, doesn’t mean they should all be like that, and with so many films it’s much nicer to have more variety, but I guess the producers are following the money.

At least we can all agree Thor 2 is last. Thought I’d allow arguments for Avengers 2.

[edit] wait, Thor 3 or 4? 4 is the closest I’ve felt to the first time I watched Attack of the Clones, and it wasn’t even because of Natalie Portman. Yes, that one’s bad.

> Huh, I’d put both of those in the top ten

top ten of what?

Top 10 Marvel movies in the last 8 years.

Of Marvel movies. Take that level of praise however you like.

This is like discussing which turd smells better.

Oh guys, it's not against the rules ... but please let's not turn HN into that :P

Do you mean the fourth Thor movie? The first two were not by Taika.

Let me pull up the literal map of fucking Marvel cinematic movie timeline to confirm that information..... screw that.

I am already at mental capacity with Agile terminology, 17 different cybersecurity concepts that might ruin my job and 5 different SQL dialects. I barely have the capacity to remember my youngest kid's name.

Who uses a map to count to four?

Some foldr enthusiasts surely

Ha, thank you for the chuckle

Thor 3 was a really fun film. It was the first to abandon the fake pretense that some of these marvel heroes are at risk of dying and instead have fun with goofy unfair fights. I think there’s a lot to be said for bringing that. As someone else said, I think you mean the 4th was the trash, which it was.

Guardians 2 I agree was pretty bad

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