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Doubt it. Data governance and access control is just getting to be a bigger deal with each passing year, and nobody wants to (pay enough to) self-manage that. Or to take personal responsibility for it.

Maybe “on prem” but largely managed by someone else, which is already a thing.

It's ironic that data governance and access control are getting to be a bigger deal every year exactly because everyone migrated off premises to the cloud. People lost control over their data when they migrated it to the cloud and now they try to take control back by imposing more and more policies.

Kinda, but a lot of it’s managing and auditing internal and external access, and maintaining data and source catalogs and crap like that, down to granular levels and across multiple levels of data-cleanup/polish/transformation and reporting. The machine learning/LLM push (biiiiig hype in companies) is making that even messier. The solutions that don’t involve a horrifying amount of DIY are heavily cloud-oriented.

[edit] to editorialize, I also think ~everyone is going to get this very wrong. I think doing this stuff such that you don’t grind productivity to a halt but also don’t have mile-wide vulnerabilities is goddamn near an Apollo Program level of difficult, and basically nobody is treating it that way (and a lot of them would probably sooner abandon their grand mass-data-total-control plans if they had to treat it that way—which is exactly what I think most of them should do, but execs just love the idea of perfect legibility of data and processes end to end on their phone or whatever, even if it’s in-fact just a money-wasting and risk-generating fantasy for most companies)

That's part of it, the other parts are the rise of ransomware (enabled by cryptocurrency?), geopolitical drama with Russia/China, and large commercial ML models appetite for data. I would say cloud is 3rd or 4th down the list.

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