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> Okay. What can a company do when there is no choice?

The company can recognize that "there is no choice" is not a valid option. There are many choices if the company actually cared to invest into choices. That requires learning and actually vetting your vendors though. That's hard work. Good luck getting people to do hard work.

I've been through multiple vendor vetting processes at my company, and there has always been a line drawn at whether or not the company's data is stored with the vendor in the cloud. My company is very cloud averse due to the nature of the business, and the kind of data they store. The vendor products that make that cut are usually not the best, and if they have a cloud offering, it's almost always superior to their on-premise offering. Every time I go through this process, it shifts even further in the direction of more + better cloud offerings, and fewer on-premise offerings.

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