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The title doesn’t match the content of the email. The email isn’t “begging for worse search results” rather they’re begging for more searches in the context of recent (at the time) Google Chrome changes that had reduced search volume.

In one part of the email, Jerry asks “Are there other ranking tweaks we can push out very quickly?”

It’s not clear what exactly that means, but search ranking seems more likely than a Chrome UI change.

In context it's pretty obvious this is talking about omnibox suggestion rankings (which is also what changed and had the claimed "unwanted" impact), not search rankings.

How do you know? Is there another email that mentions Omnibox?

> How do you know?

Because I read more than random out of context tweets as my source of information.

> Is there another email that mentions Omnibox?

Yes. It's linked in multiple places in this very HN thread. Page 4 in the original justice.gov PDF specifically mentions the experiment that was done as a result of that originally quoted "complaint" email, and says "start experiments to improve search ranking in the omnibox".

Ok, and went and read some more and now I feel like the submission title was right all along. Jerry is asking for users to be given worse search results when they type into the omnibox - ie. give them a link to Google web search even if you found what they want locally. It’s only the assumption that “search results” means “web search results” that leads to any confusion. So the title could be improved by adding the word “omnibox” in there.

There's an entire PDF which contains the entire email chain and many other emails.

Agreed, I've flagged it, so we can hopefully get a new title.

The document actually requests a change in Chrome to make the search box more prominent, it's not about search results at all!

Email mods at hn@ycombinator.com with your concern, and any potentially better / more accurate titles.

HN prefers titles that come from the article or submission itself. I'd suggest either tweet or email.

Maybe people don’t need to search so much?

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