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> accuses Google of paying $10 billion annually to wireless carriers and smartphone makers to ensure that Google search is the default on their devices

> Bing was not the default installed in any Android or Apple smartphone sold in the U.S. in the past decade, even though Microsoft would at times offer to give more than 100% of revenue -- or more -- to its partner

So they're mad that Google paid a bunch of money to keep them from being the default because they wanted to pay a bunch of money to keep everyone else from being the default, but Google had more money than them?

Cry me a river. Lol.

I switched to Edge and Bing when Edge started using Chromium. I used it for over a year, maybe two and had to switch away because Microsoft couldn't stop jamming stuff in my face and adding useless features.

Microsoft needs to reflect on how they're treating users instead of trying to find a scapegoat for their failures. They're not some little startup getting disenfranchised by an anti-competitive bully. They are an anti-competitive bully that failed to compete against someone on equal footing.

So they're mad that Google paid a bunch of money to keep them from being the default because they wanted to pay a bunch of money to keep everyone else from being the default, but Google had more money than them?

Yes? Because the issue at hand is the monopolistic practices of Google.

Exactly that. Spending enormous sums of money to blockade the competition out of the market, to keep other search providers away from users to the extent possible.

As far as classic US anti-trust is concerned, that's a gigantic standard tell, what Google has been doing to shield its market position. If you go around paying very large sums to keep competitors out, that's a classic approach to abusing market power (as the US approaches anti-trust law) that is likely to be causing harm to consumers by denying competition in the market.

It's the exact same reason Facebook isn't allowed to go around buying up all the social networks, even though on paper they easily could (they could trivially afford to have purchased: Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Reddit, etc). Google spending cash to limit competition by owning location should be viewed just the same.

> It's the exact same reason Facebook isn't allowed to go around buying up all the social networks

Is there a source to this ? They bought instagram and WhatsApp

If Google's profit per search is higher than Bing's revenue that means Bing just sucks and probably deserves to lose.

The point is that Google's profit per search was higher because they have more traffic. It is a monopolistic loop.

If that's the case, why is Google paying so much to stay the default search provider?

My understanding is that Google is paying just enough to outbid Bing which is rational behavior.

So then it's not because "Bing sucks" but because of the money Google is paying.

same. i gave an honest, nay generous, effort to use edge and bing for very many months. together as a unit and then separately.

both products are user hostile and also not on par with the market.

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