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The promise behind this sounds like the holy grail of Remote Access.

Is it Linux-only for the clients? Or can you use Mac and/or Windows to reach a Remmina server?

Edit: looks like it is RDP protocol compatible? If so, WOW, that's cool!

From https://remmina.org/authors/:

> I've been using Remmina now for several years. I love how it's integrated into Ubuntu by default and how I can access the multiple platforms I have to support in one application. I mostly use RDP and VNC (Ultra VNC).

Remmina is great but it's a client only, no server.

I use it for both RDP and VNC to my Windows desktop. The flatpak currently has a bug with audio over RDP so I've gone back to the version in my distro's packages.

Thanks for the clarification!

Remmina is a client only, and when it works, it works great. Supports all the basic protocols and has a bunch of plugins (including Teamviewer!) for protocols that don't come with the program.

It used to have some weird bugs on Ubuntu though, making it crash after clicking the wrong buttons for some reason. That seems to have been corrected and now it just works. Make sure to use an up to date version, especially if you're on an older LTS machine.

remmina is awesome. it even supports spice

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