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LSASS.exe would crash with about 5 minutes of IBR (Internet Background Radiation). I cant remember the name of the worm. XP SP3 fixed this.

> IBR (Internet Background Radiation)

that is really unpleasant.. engineers worked, companies worked and volunteers also worked to make the modern Internet, then selfish-clever, thieving, control-oriented militaristic jerks from WINDOWS filled the content with WINDOWS virus activity to play cheap stealing tricks on unsuspecting people. And you call it "the Internet" .. it has nothing to do with "the Internet" as much as the cheap and aggressive culture of BS from WINDOWS at that time

Windows deserves a lot of criticism, but let's be honest and fair here... this would have been the case regardless of what OS was dominant.

It would be more fair to criticize the corporate culture at Microsoft in the 90s that led to this situation.

They simply didn't really care. If another OS was dominant, it is easy to argue that fundamental security issues could have been addressed in a better fashion, if management wanted it to be so.

To wit, this is the same era of computing that spawned OpenBSD. You can't say with a straight face that OpenBSD would have been brought down by oversized ping packets or be allowed to accept traffic out of the box like Windows was.

AOL had a fun one in the instant messaging HTML interpreter: <font size=9999999999999999999999999999999999> would bring a system down instantly.

totally agree -- lived it

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