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Don't tell Monsanto before they genetically engineer them and replace the natural population of worms with patented ones that have to be killed and replaced each year.

Tell, who? Monsanto closed up shop five years ago.

If by “closed up shop” you mean “was acquired by Bayer” you’d be spot on.

They still make all the glyphosphate roundup products, just under a new, kinder name now.


Yes, when businesses close up shop their assets are acquired by other businesses. Was there something to suggest that they went into the landfill?

It wasn’t a bankruptcy asset purchase but a corporate merger. It’s objectively incorrect to suggest they “closed up shop.” That’s just… not what happened.



Where was a bankruptcy stated? You’re reaching into weird places. Nothing about closing a business equates to bankruptcy.

No business was closed by any cause.

No business was closed? Many businesses were closed. The majority of businesses that were open at some point were eventually closed.

I expect you are trying to say something else. What might it be?

You should see someone about your brain damage.

Not sure of what you were trying to say? Or what is the basis of this of off-topic and fallacious remark? It is not clear.

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